


  • 2023 Unfolding the Affective Atmospheres during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: The Constitution and Performance of Affective Governance in Taiwan. EATS Conference 2023: 20th Annual Conference of the European Association of Taiwan Studies, UK. 
  • 2022 Unfolding the Affective Atmospheres during the COVID-19 Pandemic Crisis: The Constitution and Performance of Affective Governance in Taiwan. The 10th East Asian Regional Conference in Alternative Geography:NEW GEO-POLITICS IN EAST ASIA, Taiwan.
  • 2022 Smart Governance: Opportunities and Challenges. 2022 E-Society Summit: Digital Governance—Explorations, Practices, and Criticisms, Taiwan. Keynote speaker
  • 2021 游尚儒,變動中的公共空間本質與治理策略:氛圍生產與情感治理,第十三屆發展研究年會 「後疫情時代的區域發展轉型與大學社會實踐」學術研討會,台北,10/30-31。
  • 2017,Infrastructures within Affective Atmospheres: A Case Study of Kaohsiung,「第九屆發展研究年會暨未來前瞻國際學術研討會:亞洲2050 」(The 9th Annual Conference on Development Studies and International Conference on Foresight: Asia 2050)
  • 2016,Imaginary or Reality? The politics of fear within the process of political and social changes in Hong Kong under the Xi era”. 習近平治理下的中國人權” 研討會,國立中山大學逸仙社會科學研究中心
  • 2015,水岸再生的複雜性-以高雄為例,英國劍橋大學地理學系