Local Emergency Management and Resilience: A U.S. Context


 Lecture in English(英語演講)
Time: 12/30 (一), 13:10-15:00
Place: 管CM1035
Fire response is a critical component in local disaster resilience and sustainability. Fire hazards occur frequently, their severities vary greatly (from household incidents to catastrophes), and firehouses play the central role among the first-response forces in the United States. Local public authorities often struggle with many challenges that the discipline of emergency management has yet to provide solid answers – maintaining the mental and behavioral stability of firefighters, evacuating residents from complicated geographic locations to prevent loss of lives, and forecasting the jurisdictional losses for planning and policy-making. Fortunately (or unfortunately), the evolvements in managerial principles, global climate change, and big-data analysis offer us an opportunity to address these trendy issues scientifically. Our current projects intend to (1) explain the roles of stressors and culture of fire organizations in shaping firefighter’s coping strategies, (2) explore the dynamics, risk communication, and situational vulnerabilities in a wildland-urban-interface (WUI) fire disaster, and (3) establish a fire index that can forecast the annual fire loss of a locality using machine learning.